Route: O63 ~ AUN ~ WMC ~ EKO 468 nautical miles
Clovis is closest, Fresno further west |
Reedley Airport
Climbing to altitude of 6500' out of Exeter I flew up the edge of the foothills over several airports, skirting the Class "C" Airspace at Fresno going right by Reedley Airport and then Mariposa Airport. Fairly calm at day break for this part of the journey!
Columbia, California Airport (O22) |
Flying North to Auburn I passed over several airports that I had landed at in previous years, however Columbia Airport is still on my to-do list!
On the way to Auburn California, first fuel stop of the trip. |
On Base to Final at KAUN.
Well I took off later than I intended, which later caused problems with flight watch and my flight plan. I can see why some don't even bother! Landed at Auburn bought fuel, very calm at 6500'. I left Auburn for Winnemucca with a waypoint of Reno-Stead; at 11,500' it started to get cold but fortunately the heater worked!
Fueled up and ready to head out at Auburn, California. |
Crossing the Sierra's at 11,500'. |
Fairly calm til just before KWMC, when it got bumpy. Landed there and rested, bought a new T-shirt took off for the fifty-eight minute flight to Elko and got beat to death with thermals off the desert and poor performance of high altitude and air density. Landed at Elko and discovered my math error on flight time had caused flight service to activate a search? Couldn't get ahold of them, but the girls at the FBO said that they closed the flight plan. Who would of thought that there would be a convention in Elko mid-week! So no room at the Inn, so I rented a van and will make the best of it.
Wing shot with I-Phone
On the ramp at Winnemucca |
One big open pit mine!
Elko Nevada, with my room for the night! |