Route: SHR ~ HSR 181 nautical miles
The town of Gillette, Wy on the way to Hot Springs, South Dakota - Civilization! I had to Google the route and look for towns that looked like this so I would know just what town it was! Fortunately, not many places on my route of flight! |
Not sure where this was, but it was out by itself! (Actually this is Mondell Field Airport (ECS) near Newcastle, Wy.) |
Hot Springs, South Dakota; airport is directly ahead on other side of far ridge! |
Fortunately the flight to Hot Springs was not long, however there was a lot of "Not There" inbetween Sheridan, Wyoming and Hot Springs, South Dakota! Plenty of room for people, or cows!
Hot Springs, SD airport; I had to land on the Turf Crosswind strip as the wind was 14~23. |
Fire Captain Keith Doughty
at Hot Springs Airport. |
Checking on the WX it has not looked good in the predictions, but this morning, although very windy in Sheridan there was blue sky with clouds, but no lightning! Checked and the wind with gust was pretty much down the runway so off I go - KSHR-KGCC-KECS-KHSR. As I was walking out to the plane a young Aviation Enthusiast stop me to ask which plane was mine I told him the green-white one and he wanted to know what kind etc - so I told him to google the N number and he could find out all about it! And he did!! My friends said he came out just as I left and had read up on the trip. That is really Great! Sheridan Wyoming is one of prettiest Airports and place that I have been too, the people are just great! Well anyway now I am at the "Budget Host" motel in Hot Springs, SD and this place lives up to it's four stars! I could recommend it to anyone highly! The owner is quite proud, two of his daughters are going to the U.S. Air Force Academy! The wind was 14 with peak gusts of 23 when I came in on runway 24 which just happens to be the grass runway! My last grass landing was in 2005 as a student with my instructor on board! Quite challenging! Nothing broken, bent, or ruined - but it did take me a half hour to lash the plane down! Meet up with Doughty, another USMC buddy I haven't seen in over 40 years. Time to re-cooperate, and charge all the toys batteries.
Lashed down at
Hot Springs, SD Airport. I had to tie one wing down while it was
pointed into the wind, then swing it around into the parking space to
tie down the other wing. (Used climbing ropes & carabiner's stressed to 3,000lbs+) |